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Going Back To Cocoa Beach Florida-Hopefully Soon~RH Jones

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This photo was taken in Cocoa Beach, Florida in April 2015. My husband was working as a maintenance technician at McDonald’s and got some time off for vacation and decided to go to Cocoa because his best friend moved to Satellite Beach. I had business to take care of in West Palm Beach so I went but got finished very quickly and took a few days to explore while there. It wasn’t the best trip but not the worst either. We took our bicycles and bicycled from Satellite Beach to Cocoa which was about thirty miles. I had a sinus infection and got sick.

Before we left, my husband had put my Dad’s ashes in the car because he wanted me to scatter them in Florida in the ocean or near it because my Dad loved the sea. I tried to explain to him that you need a permit and you just can’t do that but he refused to listen. He said he was tired of our chocolate point himalayan sleeping on my Dad’s box(he was cremated) in the living room. At one point he took my Dad’s ashes to my church on sunday morning and walked them to the altar before I got there. He went with a friend and they were both drunk. When I got to church the police were there and made me take the ashes back. This was after they tried to make my husband take the urn back and my husband tried to get friends to go with him while he dug a hole to put Dad’s box in at the cemetery where my Great Grandfather was buried. No one would help him. He insisted Dad’s urn was leaving the house. We were in Kissimmee, Florida and he found this really nice recreation area on the lake. He threw the urn into the water but it didn’t sink so he tried to get it out but couldn’t. After a few minutes he saw a park ranger coming so he hopped in the car and left. We went back together the next day but the urn had floated too far away to reel the box in and it was clearly posted “No Swimming” so we couldn’t get in the lake and retrieve it. We left planning on going back with something to fish it out with but he went back to his buddies house and got drunk. The next day his boss called and asked him to come back a day early so that was the end of it. I planned on going back to this lake to get the urn myself. Six months later I returned to Florida but I couldn’t remember where the lake recreation area was.

The next day we left after his buddy loaded him up with plenty of beer and unbeknownst to me he got into my vodka in the trunk and was pouring it into his coffee when we stopped for a restroom break. As he got drunker by the minute I was confused as to how he was getting more drunk only on beer which I figured should be wearing off after a couple of hours. He finally admitted it after vomiting into the side door panel of my car and trying to urinate in a styrofoam cup but peeing in the floorboard of my car instead. I tried to make him get out of the car but was unsuccessful. We were on the interstate and I finally got him out of the car in Georgia. I left and drove a few exits before deciding to go back afraid I might get into trouble for dumping him out on the interstate. When I returned there were about eight vehicles(police, fire, rescue, civilians) and two more pulled up as I pulled to the shoulder of the road. Someone(I presume a trucker) called it in when they saw him stumbling down the interstate barefoot and drunk. An officer put him in my car and told him to knock off the foolishness. We didn’t make it back to NC that night. I was the only one driving and was tired. This was after we’d stopped at Jekyll Island in Georgia on the way down to Florida and he got so drunk he fell off of his bicycle and laid it down somewhere and didn’t know where he left it. Luckily, we found it.

This is the reason we are no longer together but not yet divorced. This is taking a lot longer than anticipated mostly due to the fact I make more money at my job and he hurt himself on the job in 2017 working for the airport in Asheville. He now has severe diabetes and some other health issues and is in the process of getting disability.

Cocoa Beach is considered one of Florida’s nicest beaches and while it is a beautiful beach there are many nice ones in Florida, Naples is another, St. Augustine is another. Between the three it’s St. Augustine first followed by Cocoa. I’ve visited many gorgeous areas in Florida and I should know how nice it is. I was born and raised in West Palm Beach, Florida and lived there until I was nearly thirty years old. It was just too hot and my allergies had gotten so bad my doctor told me to move to the desert which I had no intention of doing but I was very sick with what the doctor called “the first stages of asthma.” Later a doctor in NC diagnosed me with asthmatic bronchitis where the asthma and wheezing only act up if I get sick with an infection. For this reason I can only spend a few weeks in Florida and if I get sick I must promptly leave. It happened back in 2018 and I was so sick I was on prednisone(a steroid), an inhaler and antibiotics and I could barely breathe. I didn’t stop until I got to Ellijay, Georgia which is nestled between Murphy NC and Chattanooga TN. I stayed there until I felt better.

The Florida bucket list book will give you many ideas on where to go and sights to see. When I go I just get in the car and go. But if you’re crunched for time and only have so much of it then an itinerary and plans are a good idea.

It’s almost the holidays and now is a good time to give out some gift cards. One of my favorites is Starbucks. If you go to Florida it will be hot and you’ll need an iced coffee. If Starbucks isn’t yours or your friends cup of tea you can always give them a Visa Gift Card. My aunt used to give me gift cards during the holidays and on my birthday and I loved them. Often times, when I couldn’t figure out what to give friends or family I’d also give out gift cards. Sometimes, I would tip my hairstylist, car detailer and others with gift cards. They were always happy to get them.

Check out these posts on Florida for more ideas on where to visit. Visit Florida and MyFlorida will give you many ideas on where to visit. Cocoa Beach Pier is where my soon to be ex husband and I bicycled a total of sixty miles in one day. It was worth it. 10 Things to do in Cocoa Beach will give you a starting point on things to see. I’m a little different than most. I like cemeteries, haunted places and anything historical. You can also go to Visit Cocoa Beach for more ideas.

Related posts: Places To Boondock in Florida-SUV, Van, RV Life, Old Salem Road Cemetery Murray KentuckyHaunted Stull Cemetery in Kansas-Van Life 2016 and Haunted Round Mound Cemetery Cummings Kansas-Van Life 2016.

This post contains affiliate links and I may make a commission from it at no cost to the reader. Visit my YouTube Channel Sassy After Sixty here: https://www.youtube.com/sassygrrl32, my business blog Rizzo REI Partners~Rachel Holbert Jones Page here: https://rachelholbertjones.wordpress.com/, Medium here: https://medium.com/@sassygrrl32a, articles at Hubpages here: https://hubpages.com/@sassygrrl32, Diverse & Wickedly Crazed Diary here: https://rachelholbertjonespage.wordpress.com/ and https://rachelholbertjones10.blogspot.com/ which is a collection of personal posts, haunted abandoned places, cemeteries, nature, photography, strange happenings, road tripping, camping, hiking and van life.
#sassygrrl32 #sassyaftersixty #rachelholbertjones #rizzoreipartners #carcamping #roadtripping #boondocking #vanlife #nomadlifestyle #haunted #abandoned #diverseandwickedlycrazeddiary

By Rachel Holbert Jones aka Sassygrrl32 in Memphis Tennessee & Clifton RV Park & Marina TN

One of my favorite places to shop is Rakuten and earn cash back: https://www.rakuten.com/r/SASSYG1436?eeid=28187

4 responses to “Going Back To Cocoa Beach Florida-Hopefully Soon~RH Jones”

  1. […] Every time I go to Florida I always take a picture of the sign even though I take a picture every time I go. On this trip my husband was visiting his best friend and I had business in West Palm Beach and the trip could have been a lot better. He got very drunk with his friend which is something I don’t like. I don’t like to be around the alcohol nor the way it affects my husband and this is part of the reason we are no longer together. We are amicable. We are even friends, when he’s sober. If he’s drinking I just stay away. You can read the whole sordid story of our visit to Cocoa Beach here: https://rachelholbertjonespage.com/2022/12/01/going-back-to-cocoa-beach-florida-hopefully-soonrh-jon… […]


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